Pharmacology how homeopathic acne pills work

« ...Being affected by acne whether it is just a simple zit or a severe condition can be quite embarrassing. You are not only prone to other people's humiliation but eventually you will lose your self-esteem as well. Having acne is a very burdensome problem. If you don't think that you can gain control of your acne you're wrong. And if you think that curing acne needs a lot of money, you're wrong again. With the help of studies and researches, people are now aware of the simple acne natural cure that would improve your appearance as well as your confidence to face the world....
...I read up about it and learned that the best change I could make to my diet was to avoid vegetable oil. The reason for this is that vegetable oil causes hormonal imbalance that results in bad breakouts. When I stopped eating vegetable oil my acne cleared up DRAMATICALLY......»
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«...Fluctuating hormones can be the problem. Doctors do not really understand what causes acne; they do know that increased androgens are a factor. During menopause, you do experience a change in the estrogen-androgen ratio. In studies, women with acne have higher levels of androgens than women with no acne. Likewise, women who had acne as teens often get it again at midlife....»
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