Mild to moderate acne

« ...Acne does not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, race or color of skin. It can happen to anyone at any time. Though genetically defined, this problem can occur even if your parent or grandparents have never had to face it. It can surface on the neck, face, arms, back and can afflict those who have a fair skin or black skin alike. Even though everyone gets stricken with a bout of zits at some time or the other, the amount of competition has increased so much that companies sell their products on dubious differentiation....
...Women can take other actions to prevent a recurrence of acne symptoms. They can study make-up labels carefully. If a label says "non-comedogenic" then that should be viewed as a "green light." A woman with acne should feel comfortable about using a cosmetic with such a label. As an added precaution, a woman with acne ought to keep her make-up brushes clean....»
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«...Understanding Acne Herbal Medicine...»
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tags: natural pharmacy for women's cystic acne, asians hormonal acne, what food can i eat to prevent acne