Clear acne and stop unwanted hair growth

« ...Oral contraceptives or systemic antiandrogens (such as spironolactone) are used in women in whom hormonal treatment may be an effective alternative or adjuvant to antibiotics and oral retinoids. Hormonal treatment is an option when conventional topical and systemic therapies are not working or when an androgenic endocrine abnormality is found....
...To minimize acne due to ingrown hairs and stubble, treat the shaven area once or twice daily with a skin care product containing salicylic acid (a beta hydroxy acid), which will gently exfoliate the skin. Products containing alpha-hydroxy acids are also a good choice. If the area that was shaven becomes red right after shaving, an ice pack can be applied to the area for 5-10 minutes to help reduce swelling of the skin....»
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«...For this reason, there are many misconceptions, from both sides of the scope, as to how good both commercial and natural acne treatments are. Trying to dispel these misconceptions is no easy task, and usually requires a lot of researcher by the reader. Fortunately however, this article will serve as a quick reference point for you in determining whether natural acne solutions or chemical products are better for treating your acne....»
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